15 best dumbbell exeProne incline rcises for biceps brachii:
00:10 Standing dumbbell bicep curl
00:40 Standing alternating dumbbell bicep curl
01:19 Standing cross body dumbbell hammer curl
02:00 Standing dumbbell hammer curl
02:38 Standing alternating dumbbell hammer curl
03:14 Standing dumbbell inner bicep curl
03:43 Standing one arm dumbbell preacher curl
04:18 Seated dumbbell bicep curl
04:48 Dumbbell preacher curl
05:29 Dumbbell preacher hammer curl
06:00 Seated dumbbell concentration curl
06:33 Incline bench dumbbell bicep curl
07:08 Incline bench dumbbell inner bicep curl
07:38 Standing tow-hand single dumbbell curl
08:07 Prone dumbbell curl
Perform: 10-15 reps/set for each exercise
Muscles involve: Biceps brachill (long and short head), Brachialis, Brachioradialis.
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Starring: Elliot Burton, Marino Katsouris, Anurakt Singh, Ryan Spiteri and other people.
Music in video:
Track: Elektronomia - Limitless [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
Track: Elektronomia & RUD - Memory [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
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#bicepworkout #bestbicepworkout #dumbbellworkout #armworkout #bestbicepexercise #bodybuildingmotivation #workoutmotivation
We make these videos to motivate people and inspirate them for better workout. We don’t own the clips and music we use in most cases.
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